“There are voices which we hear in solitude but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Teresa Brown-Konell

Author, Intuitive Medium, Wellness Coach, Healer, and Cutting Edge Biofeedback Practitioner.

Teresa is a practitioner of the psychic and healing arts and engages in her work with people, businesses, places, and projects. Her services include space clearing and site energy enhancement, geopathic stress remediation, site energy enhancement and spirit release.

She is known for her ability as a dowser and for energetic clearing and healing, Teresa has honed Her gifts through her hearts practice for more than forty years. Mentored by her grandmothers, Native Elders, and other teachers, she utilizes Shamanic healing techniques, and contemporary tools. Her healing abilities utilize energetic healing, dowsing, biofeedback, and intuitive wellness coaching.

Teresa offers workshops, group sessions and individual appointments both in her office and at a distance throughout the United States and other countries. She reaches into her heart to share her soul’s journey and intuitive ability globally. She helps others recognize their inner gifts of intuition and healing through workshops and mentoring. As an intuitive medium Teresa is known to unlock doors to the unconscious on a personal and corporate level, helping others tap into their unrealized potential. She has collaborated with Psychologists and others in the mental health field, gaining a better understanding of the human psyche.

Teresa teaches workshops about Dowsing, Psychic Protection, Acceptance of Divine Gifts, Dreaming, and Shamanic Healing.
Teresa grew up in Northwest Florida where she spent much of her early life exploring the woods and white sandy beaches of the Gulf Coast.

She learned to talk with spirits as a small child. Her grandmother taught her how to recognize signs and talk to angels. Teresa has a great love of nature and her connection became deeper when she lived on a sailboat for three years in her early twenties. She realizes that we have caused a great deal of distress to the earth and appreciates the opportunity to clear geopathic stress and to assist in bringing peace to landscape, projects, place, and their relationships. Teresa is enthusiastic about the wilderness. In the past she went on Wilderness trips and Vision Quests. She has experience taking women on Wilderness fasts. She has attended Wilderness tracking school to sharpen her skills.

Grounded and authentic, Teresa carefully crafts her personal lens through perception and insight. She combines a background in shamanic studies, psychology, and experience in the corporate world to help clients reach the Root of their problems and move into greater success and personal freedom. She hones her gifts of intuition, dowsing, mediumship, and of her healing abilities by continually learning from her ancestors, Mother Nature, and other spiritual teachers. She continually strives to help others awake from their spiritual sleepiness to gain their truest sense of self.

Please contact Teresa to schedule an appointment with her or to Learn more about how she can greater happiness, inspiration, or communication with the other side.

“TB, as she is known to our house, is a force to be reckoned with and we love her!”

“My relationship with Teresa began almost a decade ago…she predicted I would soon marry a tall, dark, handsome guy and move to the Carolinas… and it happened within a year. What started as a single session to help me “figure out life” has turned into a long lasting relationship of trust, reliability and deep appreciation. She is my “go-to”. She is mine (and my family’s) energetic healer. I have two little daughters “gifted” like me. We are intuitives, indigos, and sometimes attract unwanted energy. Teresa is our protector. I would like to share a recent story… my youngest (probably the most “gifted” of us all) had a toy that was going on and off. A quite sinister voice was projected. I caught it on video. Even with me telling it to stop with force… it took Teresa from afar… doing a deep cleaning of my house, myself and my daughters before the unwanted pesky presence left. And I felt a peace come over. And I have a hundred more stories I could share. TB, as she is known to our house, is a force to be reckoned with and we love her!”

— Holly (Tampa, FL)


“As a health practitioner myself , I am very impressed with what I have experienced!”

I would like to recommend Teresa Brown-Konell’s healing work. Her biofeedback has been particularly helpful to me during my recent experience with mononucleosis. I was experiencing a lot of brain fog and memory challenges. Her sessions have had, and continue to have, an amazing benefit on my brain! As a health practitioner myself , I am very impressed with what I have experienced!

— Dr. Bonnie McLean, AP, OMD, MA, BSN


As a Practitioner I recommend Dr. Bonnie McLean at Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture — Teresa.