We are all connected through light. That light is radiant and links us to the stars, planets, animals, plants, angels, the sun, and to the earth herself. We are all sentient beings and the pure light that connects us is love. Love heals and creates.
Your higher self, in its radiant glory, brought you to this lifetime. Our human body, which the Celts refer to as our “clay home.” lives within this radiant, energetic, field of light. All living beings live within an incredible energy field. Our body, mind and spirit have the capability to heal and transform through connection with love and alignment to the source.
When we are hurt or traumatized, our energetic body is affected. This affect changes the field of energy around you and it may be dimmed, torn or droop. In shamanic work, we are taught to rest, and heal through working with the energy field. This may mean taking a walk in the forest or at sunrise by the ocean. It might require sitting alone for a few days to reconnect with your heart. As humans we can center ourselves and transmit this healing energy to others through hands or through focusing on that person. As a child, I was taught to pray and felt the love come through those prayers. It makes sense that prayer circles are a powerful form of healing.
Your presence makes a difference.” Walk in beauty”, as the Natives people of this country say. As you find peace and love in your heart center, it radiates outward and touches all the environment around you. We change our lives and the future of our world. To keep yourself clear, make it your daily practice, to Sing, dance, laugh, meditate or pray, find every reason you can to experience joy. You are the light.
With Love,
Teresa Brown-Konell