Meditation helps you to create the quiet space necessary to tap into incredible love and bliss within yourSelf. It does not matter your location or living conditions. Your background makes no difference. With meditation, you have the capability to find peace and joy within your heart and the space to listen to your own counsel. Mother Teresa reminds us that “Silence of the heart is necessary so you can hear God everywhere…” We all lose track of our path at times and must practice listening to our own inner guidance. I think the simple act of listening to our breathing is a wonderful way to start meditation as an exercise. You can do this while sitting or while taking a morning walk. Whether you find a chant or a simple prayer that resonates with you, being mindful of your breathing will help your mind to become quieter until helpful inner voices or sensations come through. You will be guided through your intuition and your desire to change and find that inner place of peace when it is time to change your practice. Within the silence, you will find peace, healing and creativity. It may seem difficult at first but the butterful enters the cocoon as a small larve and transforms into the beautiful butterfly through the process. Love and Blessings, Teresa