Discovering The Power Of Ceremony

My new book is available on and Kindle. Chapter 7 is Crossing Over and contains many true stories about those who have crossed over and the messages they have shared with their loved ones. It also contains ceremonies to help you communicate with those who have crossed over.  

For thousands of years, prayer and ceremony have healed the sick, lifted the spirit, and released the soul. In the Western World, however, those wishing to find answers to life’s most profound questions often choose to look outside themselves – emphasizing the ego. I believe there may be a time and place for such things, but I’m certain that each of us can find answers and can realize peace and happiness within ourselves through simple ceremony.

For more than two decades, I have practiced as an Intuitive Medium. My work is an absolute joy. I have witnessed incredibly powerful, positive changes in many people with whom I have worked as they have learned to get in touch with their intuition and free themselves. I have witnessed many people find closure through their communication with loved ones who have crossed over. I have also had the opportunity to facilitate many past-life regressions.

More recently, energetic clearing has taken a more prominent position in my practice. I have discovered that truly wonderful dramatic life changes can occur for those who have the intention to release and to clear negative energies. And, over and over again, ceremony has been an enormously important component of the process. No matter what intuitive activity I am asked to perform, I have been repeatedly blessed with opportunities to observe amazing positive permanent change in hundreds of individuals. Integrating prayer, shamanic practice, communication with spirit guides and those who have passed, and other spiritual techniques, I have seen people transformed—enabled to live their lives in a richer more fulfilling way.

While I have always known that I had powerful intuitive gifts and close connections with other times and other worlds, I have not always given my full professional attention to practicing as an Intuitive Medium. I had to be open to the possibility and ready to make the move when I knew – within my heart – that the time had come. I spent many years with my main focus on working in sales and earning a good living – for a long time as a single mom – supporting my son and myself. I did intuitive work during those years but more as an avocation than as a sole vocation as my practice is now. Like virtually all of the most important steps that we take in life, this one – to dedicate myself to helping others—could only come because I was open to it and because I listened to my heart. This book, which celebrates ceremony and the enormous potential for positive transformation through its practice, also comes from my heart. It would never have been written if I had not decided to surrender to my true calling in life.|

So, yes, this book is about ceremony, but it is also a story – my story. Withinthese pages, you will learn how I came to accept and ultimately embrace whoI am and who I have been. This book contains personal, sometimes painfulaccounts of my Earth Journey as a developing spiritual being as well asinsights into many of the ceremonial practices that have helped me to grow and to find my way to a rich, full, and peaceful life.It is my deepest hope that, through this little book, more people will come to understand that ceremony is a liberating and healing practice. Beyondthe common uses of baptism, graduation, bah and bar mitzvahs, marriage,retirement, burial, and many others, ceremony can better a community, honorthe Earth, and connect us to the cycle of life. The essence of ceremony, then,is quite basic: to heal the Self and to progress in life.

You will be amazed at the results of ceremony when you let the process come from heartfelt love and caring. Simple ceremony—with or without the presence of witnesses—can truly be life altering. All you need is your Self and your intention to feel peace, happiness, and connection to spirit. Anyone can perform the simple art of ceremony at any time. According to universal law, whatever you project comes back to you. Consequently, This I promise: You will never regret integrating.