Ceremony and ritual have been a part of human existence since the beginning of time. Our very being contains seeds and imprints of ceremonies from lifetimes before. It is our sacred responsibility to keep ceremony alive for future generations.
As the Native Americans say, “the Earth is both our Mother and our Grandmother” and our spiritual practice will reach the next seven generations. We must honor and respect her, for without Mother Earth we would not be here. Incorporate thankfulness to Gaia as part of your ritual. Find a way to give back by supporting wildlife, gardening and recycling.
The beauty and truth in you connects us all and brings joy. We must take responsibility for bringing good and kind intentions into all ceremony and ritual that we practice. There is never a reason for anything but kindness and love. Let sacred ceremony and rituals shift you into all that you dream of. May you have a sweet and sacred journey, live, laugh and love.